Tips for you

It is our constant commitment to offer you useful and valuable tips that would enhance your knowledge and at the same time save time and money.

This section would comprise of small and handy tit bit infos that on a general note we could miss or may not have known about.

New car buying check list

  • Convert all accessories into cash discount
  • Check if all accessories are working and compatable with your personal gadgets.
  • Get the quote first and then inform the dealer that you would be taking the insurance on your own
  • Demand for PDI (Pre delivery inspection)
  • Check VIN (Vehicle Identification number)
  • Scrutinize the bills and visit the RTO website to understand their charges
  • Transfer your existing NCB from your old car to your new car.

Loan repricing

  • Many a times you would be tempted to swap your loan from bank A to bank B. Its not always wise to do so as you can re-price your existing loan to the prevailing interest rate with a very modest fee. Would help you in not going through the documentation all over and also would save you from the hassle of moving your loan to a new institution all over.
  • Under Insurance And Its Consequences
  • Many a times we put up a random and arbitrary value for the goods/contracts or services that we insure. This often leads to under insurance and in the event of a claim the insurance company is only liable to pay an amount which is proportionately lower as much as the actual cost Vs the insurance taken is.

Real estate discount

  • Go to the builder and state your clear intention of buying before you start negotiating. Inform the builder that this is the property that you have selected and finalized.
  • Have the cheque book on the table while negotiating
  • Havecompetitive rates of similar properties handy.
  • Express your intent to seek a discount and present it as a clause to close the deal.
  • Give verbal assurances of giving references once your deal is through.

Rail insurances

The next time you travel in Indian railways ensure that you opt for the Rs. 10.00 lacs insurance cover which is offered at 0.92 paise. Wow, that’s a steal deal.

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